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Message started by Pena on Jan 15th, 2010 at 11:17am

Title: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Pena on Jan 15th, 2010 at 11:17am
What program do I need to view the captures posted on these forums?

Where can I get it?

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by fisher on Jan 15th, 2010 at 11:42am
You can go to  pico (I think it is picoinstruments) online and download the latest AUTOMOTIVE version of their scope, free. It opens any PSD file. I think Tom also has the latest version here, too.

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by crackerclicker on Jan 15th, 2010 at 12:10pm
here is a link:

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Kevin Claybrook on Jan 15th, 2010 at 12:12pm
Here's a link for the latest Pico software release R6.3.43


Ooops....crackerclickcer beat me to it by a few minutes.   :)

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Pena on Jan 15th, 2010 at 2:05pm
Thanks guys.

Downloading now.

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Pena on Jan 15th, 2010 at 2:16pm
Little question:

During the software installation, it's asking me what device I want to install the software for.......I'm not a Pico owner......yet, so I don't know.

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Tom Roberts on Jan 15th, 2010 at 3:17pm


Choose the 4000 series scope and also place a check in the box to install for other devices.  That will cover it.. ;)

Then, to open a file so that various settings values are filled in....Start PicoScope and say yes to select a demo device.  Choose 4423 and then browse to the psdata file using PicoScope File/Open.

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by fisher on Jan 15th, 2010 at 4:04pm
I have not been using the demo when opening the files posted here. Am i missing a lot? I think I'll give it a try...

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Kevin Claybrook on Jan 15th, 2010 at 7:14pm

I have not been using the demo when opening the files posted here. Am i missing a lot? I think I'll give it a try...

When not using demo mode you are unable to see the scope settings used for the capture, like time base, probe selection, sample rate etc.    So you haven't been missing to much,  but demo mode is best the way to go for viewing psdata files.



Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by crackerclicker on Jan 16th, 2010 at 9:33pm
pena, having access to the psdata files will make you want a pico even more!!  personally, i am having a hard time waiting to afford one myself.

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Pena on Jan 17th, 2010 at 9:50am
Thanks guys.

Program downloaded and working good. I'm still exploring and is a BIG improvement over my current scope, my old trusted LS2000. :o However the learning curve is a little longer than I thought....

cracker, you're right. I want one and want it now!!!!But I'm in a position where "Needs" are higher in the priorities list than "Wants".......but the Pico is a pretty good third or even second. Number one is, of course, bring in more bussiness to the shop.

Meanwhile, I like to get as familiar as posible with it.....


Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by fisher on Jan 17th, 2010 at 10:01am
You know you can set bit to capture a large window of time - Tom how much time might we record on the window at one time? - and zoom in after. Like the Wrangler from Hell post demonstrates... that is so useful.

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Tom Roberts on Jan 17th, 2010 at 10:24am


However the learning curve is a little longer than I thought....

It appears that way at first.  However, here at Autonerdz, we supply you with all the PicoScope training and support you need to reach your desired level of expertise.  All you need to do is commit yourself to study and practice.

We really shorten that learning curve.  Once you drink from the Autonerdz Pico Kool-Aid, your LSD experience begins.  (that's Lab Scope Diagnostics)   ;)

Just the many hours of tutorial movies we supply, allow you to launch yourself to a level you would not arrive at for a very long time on your own.  And that's only one part of the Autonerdz PicoScope 'Experience'.  Since we introduced PicoScope to the automotive world in North America, we have always been about supplying the whole Experience, not just the equipment.

Keep in mind, as you play with the demo, that it does not really represent the true capability of PicoScope.  You really can't see the true power until you have the hardware.  For example you will not see how you can collect up to 20 million samples, with the 4000 series, on each of four channels on each screen.  You also cannot explore many of the features available.  Still though, it does show you some of the possibilities.   8-)

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Tom Roberts on Jan 17th, 2010 at 10:41am


Tom how much time might we record on the window at one time?

You can record up to 2000 seamless seconds on a single screen....and then several screens.

Let me clarify what a screen is...because there is some confusion out there when we are discussing 'screens'.  This is due mostly to the fact that a Snap-On Modis also collects 'screens' into a buffer.  However, these are not at all the same thing.

A Pico screen represents the full capture time.  This would be equivalent to the total of all the Modis screens which can be collected.  The Modis can only capture the equivalent of one Pico screen.

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by fisher on Jan 17th, 2010 at 5:44pm
So, we can put a half hour on the screen, seamlessly

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Carl Grotti on Jan 18th, 2010 at 1:23am
Hi Don,

I show the maximum using 3423 at 20 s/div (200 sec screen) and with the 4423, it would be 100 s/div (1000 sec screen).

Tom, just curious... How did you come up with 2000 seconds?

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Pena on Jan 18th, 2010 at 7:51am

Guys, for some reason I cant get the pico software to work. I was trying to get over some captures yesterday......and it woundn't  open the program. This morning, I'd removed it from my computer and re-installed it to no avail.

What am I doing wrong? Did I by accident moved a setting on my computer that is not letting it launch the software?

Has anybody come across this?

Every time I click on the Pico icon, I get a window that says "Picoscope has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience"

It was working good last week.

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Tom Roberts on Jan 18th, 2010 at 9:12am


Tom, just curious... How did you come up with 2000 seconds?

200s/div selected from the time base drop down.  You have to have the hardware plugged in though....Not demo mode.

In demo I show max 20s/div selecting a 3423 and 50s/div selecting a 4423.


If PicoScope is crashing immediately without displaying the splash screen, most likely you have a problem with your Dot NET Framework.  Try a repair on that and see if it helps.  Call us if you need assistance.

Toll free 877-628-4899

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Carl Grotti on Jan 18th, 2010 at 9:33am

200s/div selected from the time base drop down.  You have to have the hardware plugged in though....Not demo mode.

OK, I thought that might be the case. I was in demo mode.

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Pena on Jan 18th, 2010 at 12:35pm
Thanks Tom and Bryan. I did a dot NET Framework repair, I went to the Microsoft website and checked if I had the latest updates, I did. Still not working. :(

Got a little busy during the day and can't keep on messing with this......for now. But as soon as I get I chance this evening I'll look it up and probably start from scratch.

I'll keep'ya posted.

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Tom Roberts on Jan 18th, 2010 at 3:31pm


You mentioned on the phone that this happened after a Microsoft automatic update?  I still suspect the .NET.  Might have to remove and reinstall it.  

When you have a bit of time to mess with this we can get in there with you and poke around and see what we can find.  You've got me curious now and I don't mind taking some time to help you out since you will probably get a scope from us later anyway... ;)

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Pena on Jan 18th, 2010 at 5:25pm

Tom Roberts wrote on Jan 18th, 2010 at 3:31pm:

You mentioned on the phone that this happened after a Microsoft automatic update?  I still suspect the .NET.  Might have to remove and reinstall it.  

Yup. You were right all along.

When I originally installed the Pico program, it alerted me that I needed some file before installing it......if you know me, you'll know I didn't pay attention which file they were talking about, I just allowed it to install that file first (I'm thinking now it must've been the dot Net framework file) then it went ahead and installed the pico software. It worked good for a couple days. Then on Sunday, I started to go over some of the posts here and noticed I couldn't open the captures. Then when trying the pico program, it wouldn't launch. :-?

Fast forward to this morning. I deleted the pico software, then installed it. Still not working. On your suggestion, I repaired the dot NET file. Still not working. After talking to Bryan I went to the microsoft website and made sure I got the latest update. I did but the program still wouldn't launch........Arggggggggg. I wanted to drop my 10 lbs. sledge hammer on my PC........but I chickened out. >:(

This evening, I decided to start from scratch and deleted the Pico software AND the dot NET file (the newest version:  dot NET framework 3.5 SP1).......then I re-installed Pico thinking it would ask me again for the missing file (dot NET file??????????)..........Well, guess what? It didn't ask me for it, Pico is installed and so far, still working. 8-)

When you have a bit of time to mess with this we can get in there with you and poke around and see what we can find.  You've got me curious now and I don't mind taking some time to help you out since you will probably get a scope from us later anyway... ;)

Oh yes. You can bank on that. I'm getting my ducks in a row.  :)

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by jracic on Jan 18th, 2010 at 5:38pm
Pena and Tom

We have this problem on just one of our computers, the newest one, the only one with a dual core processor. (Of course it's the one that gets 98% of the Pico use). This was discussed a few months ago in the other section.

Once it automatically updated net framework pico was dead.  period.  does exactly as Pena describes above.  Box comes up, gives the exact same error message, and it closes.  Reinstalled, reinstalled, erased and reinstalled, (both pico and net.framework).  spent hours on the web trying tons of worthless feces.  Dead!

Odd thing is we have 5 computers with Pico on them, and 2 4423 scopes.  All run XP Pro.  Any combination of any computer or scope works fine, except that one.  Ain't the scope, both do it, and cannot even begin to get to demo mode.

The "fix" for us:

1. Use the system restore function and set the computer back to a time before the update.

2. Turn off automatic updates

3. Update "custom" and do not allow the computer to download any updates to net.framework.

We are hoping that someone comes up with a much better"fix" than we are using!  But this does work

John and Mike

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by crackerclicker on Jan 18th, 2010 at 8:53pm
tom, do you know if pico software has issues with 64bit operating systems?  i was under the impression that this was not a problem.

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Tom Roberts on Jan 19th, 2010 at 6:46am

Pico works fine with 64 bit Vista and 7.  I have Windows 7 Pro 64 bit on this PC.

It will also work with XP64 but not out of the box.  That takes some manual tweaking.

John and Mike,

Thanks for your input.  That is an unusual situation and only some PCs are affected.  None of ours have had this issue and we allow the updates.  No additional info on this yet.  

I suspect something just goes awry with the .NET update install.  


Glad you got it going   :)

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Pena on Jan 19th, 2010 at 8:11am
Ok Tom,

here's what happening. After much grief I got it nailed and have identified the culprit.

Just like jracic said.

This morning when I booted the pc, it warned me that I needed an update......(duhhhh I've removed that file yesterday). Before updating, I launched Pico. It worked flawlessly. The required update listed a few things, among them..........."dot NET framework 3.5 service pack 1" (the one I removed yesterday) and "dot NET framework 3.5 family update for dot NET versions 2.0 through 3.5".......just for giggles I allowed it to update and as expected............Pico quit working.

There's something about that update that Pico doesn't like. BTW, my laptop has XP home edition, SP3 with a Intel Celeron 1.40 Ghz and 1.21 GB of RAM.

For now I'll keep from installing that specific update.


Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Tom Roberts on Jan 19th, 2010 at 8:52am

There goes my theory.   ;D

I've passed this on to the Pico 6 team to revisit.  So odd that only a very few PCs seem to be affected.  I can't do much here to see what's happening since none of our PCs do that.   We have no XP Home editions though, just XP pro.  We do have a lot of XP Home users though that do not have this issue either.

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by jracic on Jan 19th, 2010 at 10:01am

Thanks, you confirmed a few things for us.

1.  It is NOT operating system, we are using XP Pro.

2.  It is NOT scope, it happens to you without one.

3.  It is NOT processor, we thought it might be the high performance one, but it is not.

4.  I am not quite as crazy as it seemed! (still up for debate!)

5.  Tom, we went through the Microsoft help database on removing net.framework.  3 seperate procedures, do in order until one works. 1, remove through add and remove programs.  2. Was more complicated, they said in a nice way you are screwed!  3.  Just walk the Appalacian Trail, you are getting it!  Involved changing registry, and all kinds of stuff like that.  But even after all that, as soon as it updates it happens again.



Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Pena on Jan 19th, 2010 at 12:08pm

john racic wrote on Jan 19th, 2010 at 10:01am:

Thanks, you confirmed a few things for us.

1.  It is NOT operating system, we are using XP Pro.

2.  It is NOT scope, it happens to you without one.

3.  It is NOT processor, we thought it might be the high performance one, but it is not.

4.  I am not quite as crazy as it seemed! (still up for debate!)

5.  Tom, we went through the Microsoft help database on removing net.framework.  3 seperate procedures, do in order until one works. 1, remove through add and remove programs.  2. Was more complicated, they said in a nice way you are screwed!  3.  Just walk the Appalacian Trail, you are getting it!  Involved changing registry, and all kinds of stuff like that.  But even after all that, as soon as it updates it happens again.



No problem. Thanks for pointing out that:

1.- Is not XP Home
2.- Not the scope. Hopefully I'll be an owner soon
3.- Not the processor......just like the owner, low performance....
4.- No comment on your sanity
5.- No kidding......I thought I was having a bad hair day.......ooopppsss. Not much hair left.

All I had to do was to go under add/remove programs and removed the stinking file.

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by markB on Jan 20th, 2010 at 1:43am
Pena, I'm sorry to hear that you are having problems with the .net updates. As others have also found, I have applied these updates with no problems.

As PicoScope is crashing as soon as you start and uninstalling the runtime updates fixes things, I assume the problems lies with the updates and so we couldnt make any changes to PicoScope to fix this.

I've taken a look at MS's knowledge base to see if I could find any issues. I found the "dot NET framework 3.5 service pack 1" issues here but I couldnt find any info on "dot NET framework 3.5 family update for dot NET versions 2.0 through 3.5." Did you have any KB reference numbers in the update?

Tom, I dont think this is the same issue as we have had previously. If I recall correctly, simply repairing the .net runtime installation fixed that one.

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by jracic on Jan 20th, 2010 at 5:16am

Thank you so much for helping us.

We really appreciate Pico getting in here to see what you can add.

markB wrote on Jan 20th, 2010 at 1:43am:
Tom, I dont think this is the same issue as we have had previously. If I recall correctly, simply repairing the .net runtime installation fixed that one.

No, that would have been us, and we never did get it fixed right, we just used the "fix" mentioned above.

We realize that this is in all probability not something Pico caused.  Our hope is rather that since many of you are absolute computer experts you will be able to help us with a problem Pico related but not Pico caused. You guys care about us.  We have a good chance of getting help from you.  As a guess the probability of Microsoft helping us is what, 0%?  Maybe less!


John and Mike

Title: Re: Dumb question from a newbie.....
Post by Pena on Jan 20th, 2010 at 8:52am

markB wrote on Jan 20th, 2010 at 1:43am:
I've taken a look at MS's knowledge base to see if I could find any issues. I found the "dot NET framework 3.5 service pack 1" issues here but I couldnt find any info on "dot NET framework 3.5 family update for dot NET versions 2.0 through 3.5." Did you have any KB reference numbers in the update?

Thanks for shinning in Mark. Being a newbie here, I don't know who you are.......but seeing that you are located in the UK, I'm assuming you're from the Pico manufacturer team. That speaks volume at the customer service quality of your product/company. Kudos for ya'll.

The KB number you're referring is (KB951847) X86.

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