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Hello from Japan (Read 4,591 times)
Matt H
Guru Member

Posts: 297

Japan, Japan

Gender: male
Hello from Japan
Jul 1st, 2010 at 4:45pm
Good morning (evening to most of you...). My name is Matt and I own MJR Performance in Okinawa Japan. I've been in the auto mechanic business since about 1987. My business is centered around high performance vehicles, including installation and tuning of aftermarket EFI systems, with plenty of stock vehicle repair as filler. This year I'm looking to get out of the aftermarket business all together and move over into doing stock repair only. Much more lucrative, definately more interesting as it stays mixed up, and fewer headaches...  Anyway, my latest scope is a Picoscope 4223 I bought elsewhere. I had no idea about Autonerdz until a few days ago after watching a Youtube video. I also own a Toshiba laptop, so I guess I'm 0 for 2 with Tom...  Embarrassed   But, I'm here for the awesome training (feeling like a dirty-cheat) and will be buying the entire Autonerdz CD set once I recover from the latest round of capital purchases. I didn't even realize there was such a thing as "support" once you buy a scope. I'm a member of iATN and followed the recommendation of Pico from that website, followed some links and made a purchase. Figured I was on my own to learn it (like everything else). Like they say: "Hind-sight is 20:20."

Great to find this place and looking forward to helping where I can.

Matt Hutchens
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Super Nerd

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Denver Colorado, Colorado, USA
Denver Colorado

Re: Hello from Japan
Reply #1 - Jul 1st, 2010 at 5:42pm
Welcome Matt,

In the time spent in Japan have you picked up any of the Japanese speech or writing?

I have always been fascinated by Japanese writing as I understand there are three different styles?

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

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Matt H
Guru Member

Posts: 297

Japan, Japan

Gender: male
Re: Hello from Japan
Reply #2 - Jul 1st, 2010 at 6:26pm
jarvissamuel wrote on Jul 1st, 2010 at 5:42pm:
Welcome Matt,

In the time spent in Japan have you picked up any of the Japanese speech or writing?

I have always been fascinated by Japanese writing as I understand there are three different styles?

If you have any questions feel free to ask.


Hi Sam, thanks for the welcome. I've been here for a long time...  Smiley  I graduated from one of the US Military high schools here in the 80's, went to college in the US (while returning to Japan for every spring, winter, and summer break), and promptly returned, married my HS sweetheart, and have been here ever since. I get back to the US about every year and a half.

I speak Japanese fluently, but my reading and writing is only passable... My wife does all the books and paperwork, so it was never a priority.

There are three different "styles"; kanji, hiragana, and katakana. While you can write all of the Japanese in Hiragana, it would take forever as it's all one-syllable phonetics, where Kanji is "whole words or phrases. Formally, a mix of kanji and hiragana is used (where the Chinese use only kanji). Katakana is all single-syllable phonetics and is used for "Japanized" words. For instance, the Japanese call the hood of a car a bonnet (like in the UK). That would be bo-ne-to. A seat would be called shi-to.

Japan is a great place to see the world from if you like to travel!
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Tom Roberts
Autonerdz Administrator

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Olympia, Washington, USA

Gender: male
Re: Hello from Japan
Reply #3 - Jul 4th, 2010 at 10:38am


I'm glad you are here and we look forward to your contributions.  BTW, I also still have a Toshiba laptop I got as a result of the class action settlement for the original Lucifer.  Even though I named it Lucifer II, it has performed well since day one.   Wink

I didn't even realize there was such a thing as "support" once you buy a scope.

We get that a lot.  Pico has great direct factory support but for automotive PicoScope training and support we set a new industry standard.

I'm a member of iATN and followed the recommendation of Pico from that website, followed some links and made a purchase.

I have also been a member since before iATN had forums.  I posted the first PicoScope image ever seen on iATN and we pioneered PicoScope automotive in North America.  I'm surprised you didn't stumble across one of the thousands of times we have been mentioned there as THE place to get the PicoScope 'experience'.

There are a minority that suggest other vendors, but that is to be expected.  Everyone has their preferences.  I respect that. 

There is also a vocal minority there that likes to slander us.  That is also to be expected when you are the leader.  But I don't respect that.  Recently, statements were made that if you don't tow the line here and agree with us, you are kicked out of these forums.  The ones that are saying that are still members here.  Fact check.... no one has ever been kicked out of these forums for any reason.  (except for one porn spammer years ago).

You will also find that we grew the PicoScope automotive experts now working for the other guys.  That's also to be expected since we were the pioneers.

What you will find here is automotive professionals from all parts of the earth behaving in a professional and respectful manner.  I think you will find it all quite refreshing.   Smiley

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Tom Roberts
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