If you look solely at the waveamplitude you can see a significant difference between the first plot, which has an OEM style silencer/muffler/dampener sirectly on the exhaust manifold, and the second plus third.
But between the second and third plot, in terms of amplitude, there isn't any noticeable difference.
I think this is mainly cause by them being similar in style. "straight-through".
Another thing is. This is a V8 measured on only one bank with VERY short headers!!! As mentioned before. The plots above are mainly to get to know the hard- and software and how to extract the data.
I just noticed something which could be linked to a variable, the: silencers/muffler/dampener in this case.
Coming up are plots with headers at least twice the length. and I will be measuring the pressure wave on cil 2, to trace it.
If this works I'll be doing the same thing to all the runners, so I can overlay and retrace what's happening to the pressure.
But to answer your questions, I hope.
resonance, which do you mean?
Pressure wave resonance can be useful as well as a nuisance. What I am trying to accomplish is optimizing headers to increase, or infuence, the scavenging effect. In order to do this I first need to know, or basically understand the pressure wave behavior inside exhaust runners, collectors, etc.
I'll try to do the cranking test.
(Need to figure out the trigger function)
PS: what I want to do is recreate what has been done in some literature.
look-up the following ISBN code for some interesting stuff about exhaust and intake systems.
9 780837 603094
http://www.amazon.com/Scientific-Exhaust-Systems-Engineering-Performance/dp/0837...PS2: I'm using the WPS500