PRESTON wrote on May 29
th, 2013 at 11:00pm:
KarlW wrote Yesterday at 7:35pm:
because The righting in this box is almost microscopic. Not sure if it is something I have done.
Sorry Preston, As you and many other have noticed I have trouble writing what I'm thinking.(Its very frustrating) Anyway I was talking about the box that you type your post into.
[quote author=37262E332630375555630 link=1369870524/1#1 date=1369893657]KarlW wrote Yesterday at 7:35pm:
I wanted to post this new 2 strike Ford I was messing around with a bunch.
2012 F250SD 6.2L 2valve 2 spark plug.
I think if you worked on a Windstar 3.8L is one that I know of with a DIS with the same looking 2 strike
That's not what got my attention. Its were the second strike was firing at idle compared to the first strike(closer to TDC compression)That's why I through the CKP in there to prove hwat I saw in the second strike-looking like it was firing under pressure. I don't have any older files of the multi strike COP 5.4's to see were it fires in relation to TDC? I do have a file with primary At COP and secondary at external plug wire same cylinder to see which fires first of the two plugs I going deeper later to try and figure why.Not much description of this that I have read so far
Let me know if you would like to mess with some files