Good morning,
Is there an issue you're trying to fix?
The first thing I noticed in the capture is that there are no notes and the channel labels are not filled in.
I made the assumption that channel B is on #1 spark plug wire.
Cylinders 1,5,8, and 3 all seem to require substantially more voltage to jump the gaps.
All cylinder firing lines are around 2kV which seems fine to me.
The burn times of the firing lines are all approximately the same which is good.
Here are some changes to the setup that I would do. Bump up sample rate to 2MS/s
Increase Time base to 200ms/div or more.
Do a snap throttle about halfway across the screen.
Some threads you might find useful.
This tread talks about the kV required to just the rotor gap vs the kV to jump the plug gap. one has some excellent info from Mick on secondary analysis.