uSignalTap Wire Piercing Probe Set – 1xRed and 1xBlack


Designed for minimum impact access to the wire conductor for electronic testing.

SKU: 05-790-Set Categories: ,


The uSignalTap is a wire insulation piercing probe designed for minimum impact access to the wire conductor for electronic testing.  The uSignalTap features a 4 mm banana socket ready to connect to your 4mm banana plug test leads with open banana plug or safety sheath! Needle operation is via an independent thumb screw that does not spin your connected test lead!

The uSignalTap features:
– “No Spin” 4mm Safety banana sockets
– Flat textured control surface
– Minimum profile for tight spaces
– Needle tip max wire O.D. 0.150″
– 6.5” long

When you decide to pierce, pierce responsibly!
1. Thoroughly clean desired pierce area.
2. Retract needle.
3. Insert wire into the v-groove.
4. Apply some pull to keep the wire centered in the v-groove.
5. Turn thumbwheel to pierce the wire and make contact. If meter is connected, monitor meter to know when contact is made.
6. Try not to go through the whole wire.
7. When complete, seal puncture with liquid tape or nail polish.

NOTE: Do not use the uSignalTap to pierce non-stranded (solid conductor) wire.

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