
Now Streaming with subscription!

This is no nonsense training, which focuses on getting the job done using proven field-tested techniques.  No longer will you be a slave to printed procedures and trouble charts.  The books will now serve YOU.  Why stay in the diagnostic maze?  Just climb over the wall and get the cheese!

The goal of this series is to provide a solid informational and strategic foundation.  With such a base to work from, any problem on any car can be resolved more efficiently.  This means more production, less un-billable time and less comebacks, not to mention happier customers.  With the tools provided in this series, the technician can face new challenges with confidence and grow far beyond any scope 🙂 of covered material.  The skills developed will serve you the rest of your career.

Employers have jokingly complained that Nerdz are more efficient and so they have to pay them more.  Of course, the employers are making more too.


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